LBhealthcare gym member Charles Brisley rows to a record finish!
- 6 June 2013
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Charles finished his sponsored 20-mile row at LBhealthcare on Sat 25th May in record time.
“I’m very pleased with my performance!” he said, “Despite the pain in my thighs 5000m from the finish I completed the 32km in 1 hour 18 minutes – 10 minutes quicker than I planned!”
Charles has raised over £1,300 for Hamble Lifeboat who urgently need funds to build a new Station to replace their current outdated boathouse.
“The service has been tasked to 32 incidents this year and the likes of Charles help to keep us afloat”, said David King, Chief Coxswain at Hamble Lifeboat, “He did a cracking job.”
You can find out more about the Hamble Lifeboat Station appeal here.